26 Nov - 22 Dec 2024
LAMBCO Productions presents
The Crumple Zone
by Buddy Thomas
This hilarious Off-Broadway hit, set in a run-down apartment on Staten Island, sees three roommates coming to a crisis during one frantic Christmas weekend.
Terry, an out-of-work actor who can’t keep a job or get a date, spends his days swilling cheap vodka and playing referee to a messy love triangle.
Extremely funny and deeply moving, The Crumple Zone is about staying together, breaking apart, and the things we lose along the way.
“A gloriously lively and entertaining production” London Theatre 1
“Funny, sad, real, and a life-affirming glimpse of people like most of us” London Pub Theatres
“the rich vein of humour in Buddy Thomas’s engagingly realistic and humorous dialogue.” Act Drop
“I can’t imagine Christmas anymore without seeing this show” British Theatre​
From left to right
​Jonny Davidson
Sinéad Donnelly
Nicholas Gauci
James Grimm
James Mackay
Director Helen Bang
Costumes Janet Huckle
Technical Richard Lambert
Producer LAMBCO Productions
Graphic Design Steve Caplin
Photographer Peter Davies
Marketing Kaitlin Marino
Assistant to the director Peter Rae
Production Assistant Paulina Azimov

Show Times:
Tue to Sat at 7.30pm
Sun at 4pm
Running time approx.120 mins including an interval
Previews Nov 26/27/28 All Tickets £15
From Nov 29
Premium Rows A & B £27
Middle £25 / £23 Concession*
Back £20 / £17 Concession*
Allocated seating. Strictly No Latecomers Admitted.
*(Students I Unwaged I Over 60’s I Equity I MU I Disabled I
Lambeth Residents I NHS I Armed Forces
Warning: Comedy Male Nudity 18+
Warning: Comedy Male Nudity 18+